Monday, February 17, 2025

India’s e-commerce draft, to face tough rules said, Amazon and Google.

The new e-commerce draft policy aims to remove digital monopolies from India and help local startups.

The government has been working on the policy for at least two years amid calls to reduce the dominance of global tech giants like; Inc., Alphabet Inc.’s Google, and Facebook Inc.

The federal government would appoint an e-commerce regulator to make sure the business is aggressive with broad entry to assets.

The full coverage draft was ready by the Ministry of Commerce’s Department for Promotion of Industry & Internal Trade.

The draft says It will aim to access ‘information resources’ and various companies’ source codes and algorithms.

Additionally, the use of ‘explainable’ AI will also be monitored to see how AI is used by various companies.

India’s roaring digital economy, with half a billion users and growing, has witnessing pitched battles in everything from online retail and content streaming to messaging and digital payments.

Global corporations lead in each of these segments; while local startups have sought help from a sympathetic government that recently banned dozens of apps backed by Chinese technology giants.

Draft also specifies some points such as :

  • There’s a tendency among some of the leading companies to exercise, control over most of the information repository.
  • It is in the interest of the Indian consumer and the local ecosystem that there are more service providers and the creation of the digital monopolies in misusing their dominant position.
  • “ Government, in consultation with relevant stakeholders, will define the categories of e-commerce that would require mirroring or localization ”
  • The e-commerce firms will be required to provide data to the government within 72 hours.

The draft policy will soon go on the government website for stakeholders to comment and provide their opinions

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