Saturday, September 14, 2024

Hindustan Unilever partners with UNICEF to provide 4 lakh soaps to Rajasthan in the fight against COVID-19

Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL); as a part of its global partnership with UNICEF, has donated 4 lakh soaps to health care professionals, caregivers, Anganwadi workers, and COVID-19 patients in the state of Rajasthan to support the government’s response to COVID-19.

Handwashing with soap is one of the most effective measures to protect against the Coronavirus; as well as many other infectious diseases. It is now more imperative than ever to equip communities-at-risk with soaps in their efforts to prevent COVID-19.

Commenting on the initiative, Sanjiv Mehta, Chairman, and Managing Director, Hindustan Unilever Limited said; “We firmly believe in the power of hand hygiene to fight coronavirus at the source. Our partnership with UNICEF has enabled us to equip governments in their efforts to curb community transmission of COVID-19; and our products will continue to shield communities at COVID hotspots across the country.”

Dr. Yasmin Ali Haque, UNICEF Representative in India said; “In order to overcome COVID-19, we have to make handwashing accessible to all. It requires a culture of hand hygiene for which all; international partners, national governments, public and private sectors, and civil society need to come together. We are proud to partner with HUL to support vulnerable and marginalized communities in COVID-19 hotspots.”

In March, HUL committed INR 100 crore towards helping India fight the COVID-19 pandemic. In April, UNICEF and HUL came together for a mass-communication campaign titled ‘#BreakTheChain #VirusKiKadiTodo’ to fight COVID-19. The Campaign combined the marketing expertise and reach of HUL with the technical knowledge of UNICEF to create engaging communication tools that encouraged people to change behaviours and stay safe during the pandemic.

To date, HUL has undertaken various initiatives to ensure the safety of people and communities; sourcing products and ensuring business continuity for consumers to have access to essential items at a time they need it the most.

The initiatives include large-scale awareness campaigns, providing free sanitation and hygiene products to COVID-19 frontline workers, and to the under-served sections of the society. HUL also committed to upgrading health care facilities in hospitals and testing centers and setting-up isolation centers to help local authorities curb COVID-19 spread.

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