The Solvent Extractors’ Association of India (SEA) is pleased to announce hosting the 4th Rape-Mustard Conclave (Webinar) on “Mission Mustard 2025- Aiming for 200 lakh tones production of Mustard by 2025 to make the country Atma-nirbhar in Edible Oil” on Friday, 23rd April from 11.00 AM to 1.30 PM (IST) on virtual mode.
A lot of work has been done to promote its cultivation, yet its production is range-bound in the 7.0 to 8.0 million tones in the last decade. Rape-Mustard seed is a high oil content crop and there is an urgent need to increase its production in the country.
This intervention is in the line with PM’s call for Atma-nirbhar Bharat and for Doubling farmers’ income by 2022. With the ever-increasing demand for food crops, there is an increase in the fight for acreage; therefore the only way forward to have increased production is to have an increase in productivity.
This 4th Conclave (Webinar) will also provide an unique opportunity for open discussions & exchange of views about the issues pertaining to Rape-Mustard oil and meal, International & national businesses, to find solutions to the problems faced by the manufacturers, importers & exporters, technologists, players from the commodity exchanges, brokers & dealers.
SEA’s Mission Mustard 2025 Webinar will have the unfolding of the latest status of Indian scenario by the eminent personalities from the Rape-Mustard fraternity, focusing way forward to raise the productivity aiming to reach the target of 200 lakh tones by 2025.
The Association has lined up excellent speakers/experts including Mr. N B Godrej, MD, Godrej Industries Limited to make the presentations on different subjects including Mustard crop estimation by two renowned agencies.
This will be followed by the ‘Price Outlook’ for Mustard seed, oil, and meals, moderated by Ms Manisha Gupta, Editor commodity & Currency CNBC TV 18.
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