Saturday, February 8, 2025

SEA-Solidaridad Mustard Model Farms: Moving Towards Atma-nirbhar Bharat Mission Mustard 2025

The Nation’s dependency over 70%on imported edible oil is a matter of concern for food security and to address this challenge, India needs to critically look into the ways and means to increase the productivity of important oilseeds crops.

Mustard -hope for the future

To address this challenge, The Solvent Extractors’ Association of India together with Solidaridad is implementing the Mission Mustard Model Farms Project, since 2019, in Rajasthan; one of the largest mustard producers in India with an ambitious target of increasing the production of rapeseed mustard by 200 lakh tons by 2025.

Mustard Productivity – improve livelihood of Farmers

To assess the outcome of this project, an independent study was undertaken by one of the renowned research agency MART. The study inferred that the average productivity of the Model Farms is about   50% higher than the productivity of the control group. The farmers are benefitted from cost savings and better yield coupled with lower production losses.

In a major breakthrough in rapeseed-mustard farming, the project demonstrated that productivity can be increased up to 50% by changing the production practices, techniques, and improved seed quality and varieties. In the previous season, the model farms have demonstrated a 23% higher yield than the control farmers.

Higher Productivity- encourage shift up of Area

The study conducted by MART highlights a 75.2% per hectare surplus from mustard crop as compared to 37.8% surplus on wheat cultivation. This will encourage the shift towards mustard crop particularly in Punjab, Haryana and other states by demonstrating the financial viability of Mustard over conventional crop like rice, wheat and sugarcane. Says Mr Atul Chaturvedi, President, The Solvent Extractors’ Association of India

We plan to establish more than 500 model farms in the ensuing Rabi season connecting over 25,000 Mustard farmers in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh to demonstrate the way forward towards self-sufficiency in Edible oil. Says Dr. B.V. Mehta, Executive Director of The Solvent Extractors’ Association of India.

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