India’s gaming community is displaying a growing preference for PC gaming, according to a study conducted by HP. The HP India Gaming Landscape Report 2021 has revealed that 89% respondents believe that a PC offers a better gaming experience than a smartphone. More importantly, 4 in 10 (37%) mobile gamers indicated that they would migrate to a PC for gaming, for a much better experience.
Ketan Patel, Managing Director – HP India Market said, “With people spending more time at home, gaming has seen a dramatic rise, as consumers look to find new avenues for entertainment, stress release and social connect. In this scenario, the PC has emerged as the preferred device that provides the most comprehensive gaming experience.
Vickram Bedi, Sr. Director, Personal Systems – HP India Market, commented, “In recent times, the importance of technology in maintaining social connect and aiding in positive mental health has become paramount. Gaming has emerged as a wholesome activity that the entire family can participate and connect with friends and family.
PC Gaming is now a global phenomenon, and careers opportunities in the industry are immense. This not only represents a big opportunity for India to shine on the global stage, but also highlights the immense value that the PC brings as device, with its all-round capabilities.”