Saturday, January 25, 2025

Schizophrenia is curable 100% without medication

The doctors believe that treatment of schizophrenia is impossible without administering medicine. But, Dr. Kailash Mantry has proved it otherwise. He has been helping people to tame the schizophrenia demon, without medicine, for the last 25 years. Dr. Kailash Mantry is a life coach, based in Mumbai. He believes in the philosophical saying that the solution to every puzzle lies in the puzzle itself. Based on this he has formulated a revolutionary approach to treat schizophrenia without medicine.

Dr. Kailash Mantry opined in an interview that he does not understand why medicines are given. No medicine is available to cure mental illness. These are administered not to cure schizophrenia but just for showing and making the person more lethargic. It is a psychological and emotional disorder and medicines have no role to play in this. Medicines only stimulate the brain and nervous system of the patient. It further makes treatment more difficult by ruining the body and brain of the person suffering from schizophrenia. Schizophrenia patients who have not taken any medicine respond to the treatment better than those who were under medications.

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