Saturday, February 8, 2025

Adani Wilmar’s Fortune SuPoshan project boosts nutrition levels among thousands of children

Adani Wilmar Limited’s Fortune SuPoshan project, which aims to tackle malnourishment by improving nutrition levels among young children, has been highly successful and has contributed to a significant reduction in malnutrition indicators, an assessment report of the project has found.The findings have come when the country is celebrating September month as the Nutrition Month or PoshanMaah to spread awareness related Health & Nutrition.

Launched in May 2016, the Fortune SuPoshan project, which is executed on the
ground by Adani Foundation, the CSR arm of Adani Group, is a mission against
Malnutrition and Anemia and it was operational in ten sites Mundra, Hazira, Dahej,
Kawai, Shimla, Tirora, Sarguja, Vinzhinjam, Kamuthi and Bittaacross seven states,
including Gujarat, Maharashtra, Kerala, Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh,
and Rajasthan. The project will continue its operation at its existing sites by reaching
the target group 0-5 age children, adolescent girls, and women in reproductive age.

“It is most gratifying to see the significant impact the Fortune SuPoshan project has
had in improving nutrition levels among young children across its sites. The project
has been expanded to more sites now, and Adani Wilmar is committed to contributing
to make India a healthy country,” said Angshu Mallick, MD and CEO, Adani Wilmar.

The 153 SuPoshanSanginis at the 10 sites covered 239 villages and 385 Anganwadi
centers. The team conducted 15,819 group discussions, 12,711 family counselling
sessions, and 1,742 other village-level events.

“The 153 Sanginis screened over 67,000 individuals for malnutrition and anaemia. On
average, each Sangini reached out of 437 families,” said the assessment report.

“It is a well-known fact that maternal, infant and child nutrition playsignificant roles
in a child’s growth and development. These aspectsalso heavily influence the future
socio-economic status of a child. ForIndia to be able to meet its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),catering to the health and nutrition needs of our
demographic dividendis of utmost importance. In this context, Fortune SuPoshan, an
initiativeby Adani Wilmar, implemented by the Adani Foundation, has beenbuilding
capacities of women, enabling them to take ownership of theirhealth and nutritional
status through the steadfast support ofSuPoshanSanginis. This assessment report has
captured many suchqualitative nuances of the project, which havehelped curb the
viciouscycle of inter-generational malnutrition.” said Dr. Priti Adani, Chairperson,
Adani Foundation.

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