IDFC Mutual Fund, one of India’s leading mutual fund house announced the launch
of its latest TV commercial for its pan-India investor awareness campaign PaisonKoRokoMat nudging investors to benefit from the growth potential of equity mutual funds. With the TVC, IDFC Mutual Fund consolidates its unique voice in the BFSI sector by breaking down complex category truths using simple, immersive story telling formats. The TVC brings outa light hearted, refreshingly humorous take on the
blindingly obvious to sharply drive home the proven benefit of equity mutual funds, prodding fence-sitters to spur them into action.
Gaurab Parija, Head – Sales & Marketing, IDFC AMC, added, “With the rising expenses due to improved quality of life, longer lifespans, increased medical contingencies, it is important to consider investing in an asset class that can help in beating inflation in the long run. Our latest #PaisonKoRokoMat advert is directed towards nudging investors to something which is obvious but not fully appreciated, the fact that Equities is an important asset class for wealth creation over the years with the potential to beat inflation in the long term, thereby facilitating investors to achieve their financial and life goals.”
The central thought of the campaign #PaisoKoRokoMat draws inspiration from our lives where inertia is an impediment to our growth. IDFC Mutual Fund takes a fresh, non-conventional approach with its creatives for the campaign, shifting the conversation regarding wealth creation from the traditional to the contemporary. The use of satire to highlight the proven benefit of equity mutual fund investing is yet another creative leap taken by IDFC Mutual Fund in this category.