Saturday, February 8, 2025

Walmart to Host Growth Summit to Partner with Indian Suppliers for Exports

Walmart announced the application process will open November 9, for the company’s first Growth Summit in India, offering export-ready suppliers, micro-, small- and medium-size enterprises (MSMEs), cross border trade suppliers, and innovative supply chain companies an opportunity to pitch for business. With a goal of accelerating progress towards Walmart’s commitment to triple its exports of goods from India, the Walmart Growth Summit will be held February 14-15, 2024 in New Delhi. Registration for the event is open through December 11, 2023.

The two-day event will bring together Indian companies and several dozen Walmart buyers
from the United States to evaluate their products for export, with buyers offering real-time,
on-the-ground deals and prospects. Aligned with Walmart’s commitment to annually source
$10 billion of goods from India by 2027, the goal of the event is to partner with the Make in
India initiative, increasing exports across categories where India has expertise including food, consumables, health and wellness, general merchandise, apparel, shoes, home textiles and toys.

The event will further enhance Walmart’s efforts to support India’s ambition to develop the
country’s supply chain to be a leading participant in global markets, bringing together the
Walmart sourcing innovation team and India-based supply chain innovators.

Andrea Albright, Executive Vice President, Sourcing, Walmart, said, “Walmart has long invested in India, and sees tremendous opportunity in continuing to expand exports with our existing suppliers while developing relationships with new ones. The Growth Summit will help us do just that. A purchase order from Walmart can have ripple effects in communities often enabling suppliers to create new jobs and expand local manufacturing. We’re excited to host this event and believe it will be the first of many.”

Walmart’s commitment to India is not new, with the company already exporting products
across a range of categories since the 1990s. The company also continues making progress growing and training MSMEs through Walmart Vriddhi , a program launched in 2019 to empower 50,000 entrepreneurs to participate in domestic and global supply chains. And in
2022, Walmart recruited sellers for items for the company’s online marketplace, an effort that drew interest from more than 650 Indian MSMEs.

A key supplier to Walmart globally, Anoop Bector, Managing Director,  Mrs. Bector’s Food Specialities Ltd., said, “Walmart’s unwavering commitment to Indian suppliers has provided our company with resources and opportunities to showcase our products on a global scale. Walmart has been an invaluable partner in our story of global growth, through tailored training programs, expansive marketplaces. Mrs. Bector’s Food Specialties is one of India’s leading companies in the premium and mid-premium biscuits & bakery segment under the brand ‘Cremica & English Oven’.”

Walmart said sellers and supply chain experts may register for the Walmart Growth Summit here from November 9-December 11, 2023.

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